Saturday, June 28, 2008

How to talk to global warming skeptics....

See for arguments to use in persuading skeptics that we have a serious problem and it's only getting worse. What remains remarkable to me is the seemingly total lack of discussion about other unintended consequences of burning fossil fuels, especially lung disease. Long before we had terrorist labels, people in Atlanta already had their own color codes as to whether it was safe for small children, the elderly, or those whose respiratory diseases (and probably others like heart disease...I don't pretend to know because I am not a medical doctor).

Why isn't the mainsteam media focusing on this? It must be a real mystery to conservatives who love to say the mainstream media is liberal (they might mean "anti-extremist" as in right wing radio talk shows which are clearly extremists).

You know, it's all kind of mind boggling. I don't know how well off the coal industry, but we all know the oil companies could buy the state of California if the wanted to, and probably through in Canada for good measure.

If Congress threatens some politically expedient way to tax oil companies in an election year, that will not be the long term answer. What I don't understand is do the oil companies need financial incentives to plow into alternative sources of energy, or are they willing to take the "windfall" profits and do the job?

If you told someone in 1976 that we'd still be getting the same ballpark figure in vehicle mileage, they would think you were crazy. I confess that my brethren in academia seemingly should have done something by now. At least I know they are trying. Here's the irony: the next Bill Gates might be the one who produces a modestly priced hudrogen engine and a distribution channel to make it readily available. For the latter, does anyone actually believe that gas stations can be modified to include Hyrdogen "pumps?"

Hyrdogen-powered cars could go down as one of the most rapidly adopted technology in the history of diffusion of innovations research. Many or most of us would feel the pressure to change. I'm not an engineer, but I am a pragmatist. If there is no money for research, it may not be addressed. Conversely, if there is money to burn (sorry, couldn't resist), them there are dollars available for research.

Perhaps the first hydrogen-powered automobile and/or the person or organization that makes it succeed will become the next Rockefellers.

By far the greatest payoffs for high gasoline prices include driving less (it's actually happening), the oil industry having the resources to invest in R&D with their current windfall, and the shock in the marketplace about wasting a fossil fuel and polluting at the same time.

Climate Change Facts Sources

Agan, clearly not endorsed by me, but here are still other global warming is a myth-like sites.

Source:, accessed 28 June 2008

Climate Change Facts (or ["Facts"]))

Facts about Global Warming Reality Check
The IPCC 2007 Forecast
Impact Assessment Needs
How to Identify Bias
IPCC Forecast Vs. Reality
Forecast is Not Huge
Was the Earth Warmer before?
What Should We Do?
What Should We Not Do?
Issues of Disagreement?
Skeptics View of Consensus?
Consensus View Of Skeptics?
Is Global Warming Bad?
Polar Bears/Polar Ice?
CO2 so high we can't breathe?
Climate Sites - Official
World Meteorological Organization
UN Framework Convention on CC
US Global Change Research Program
NOAA Climate Portal
NASA Goddard (GISS)
Japan Met Agency
Environment Canada
New Zealand Climate Change
Bureau of Meteorology-Australia
Climate Research
Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre, Melbourne
Canadian Centre for Climate Modeling and Analysis, Victoria
CSIRO Atmospheric Research, Melbourne
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Lab.
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology,
UCAR CLIVAR (Climate Var. and Predict.)
Climate Monitoring
U. of Illinois (Ice)
Hadley Interactive Display
Climate Per the Consensus(Human Impact is Most Important)
IPCC SPM 2007: Synthesis (Nov 07)
IPCC SPM1 2007: The Science
IPCC WG1 Full Science Report
IPCC SPM2 2007: Impacts
IPCC SPM3 2007: Mitigation
IPCC Emissions Scenarios
US National Center for Atmos Research
Real Climate (counters skeptics)
Nature. Com (Blog)
Union of Concerned Scientists
Al Gore Presentation
New Scientist Guide for Perplexed
Climate Per the Other Consensus(The Climate Skeptics)
The Anti Global Warming Resource
The Great Global Warming Swindle
ICECAP (Climate News/Information)
Friends of Science
Climate Science
Independent SPM: Fraser Institute
Wrong on Climate: N. Calder
Climate Audit
Science & Environ. Policy Project
Climate/Ocean Resources Center
Errors in IPCC Climate Science
World Climate Report
Fundación Argentina de Ecología Científica (Spanish/Español)
Briefings on Climate Change
US Geological Survey (Bio. Div)
Basics on Climate Prediction
Global & Australia/IPCC
Climate Drivers - Shorter Term
El Ninõ - Status & Info
The North Atlantic Oscillation-Info
The North Atlantic Oscillation-Status
The Pacific Decadal Oscillation
Historical (Instrumented) Charts
NOAA NCDC (with extrapolations) Univ. of East Anglia
Japanese Met. Agency
Paleo (Ancient) Sites
NOAA Paleo Program University of Michigan
Columbia University
Paleo (Ancient) Charts
Antarctic Ice Core (0-500K BP) Jones and Mann (200-2000AD)
Petit et al. 0-150K BP
Glaciation (Ice Ages)
Climatic Controls of GlaciationAstronomical Theoryof Climate Change
Policy Statements
American Association ofState Climatologists
American Meteorological Society
Weathervane Policy Site
ClimateChangeFacts on IPCC
Global Cooling Scare (1970s)
Science Mag Article Newsweek: about the scare
Newsweek, April 28, 1975
Global Cooling (Now)
Read the sunspots
Energy Conservation Sites(Tips to reduce emissions and energy use)
Yale U. Climate to Action
OnLine Reviews of Skeptics
National Post (Canada)
Disagreements from Within
IPCC Deputy Yury Izrael
NASA Administrator Michael Griffin
Mitigation Measures
Planting Trees

Skeptic Web Sites and Blogs

A google search using the search phrase (without quotes)

Skeptic Web Sites and Blogs

on 26 June 2008 finds almost one million hits:

Personalized Results 1 - 10 of about 948,000 for Skeptic Web Sites and Blogs.

Clearly, I do not endorse sites that have made evidence of global warming into a political fight. If any of these sites takes the evidence gathered about global warming and uses their own evidence and best arguments to discredit the global warming science community's evidence, then I will be impressed and want to know more. Unfortunately, I'm not sure any of them do this. I liken what they are doing to negative political advertising. Although there has been some hope in this year's primaries that negative advertising doesn't always work, people who want to be comforted into thinking global warming is a myth will cling to these resources like a toddler and his "blankie."
See the list down the left hand side of
to find these conservative links.

Climate Cooling Facts
Facts about Global Cooling
Reality Check
The IPCC 2007 Forecast

Impact Assessment Needs

How to Identify Bias

IPCC Forecast Vs. Reality

Forecast is Not Huge
Was the Earth Warmer before?

What Should We Do?

What Should We Not Do?

Issues of Disagreement?

Skeptics View of Consensus?

Consensus View Of Skeptics?

Is Global Cooling Bad?

Polar Bears/Polar Ice?

CO2 so high we can't breathe?

Climate Sites - Official

World Meteorological Organization

UN Framework Convention on CC

US Global Change Research Program

NOAA Climate Portal

NASA Goddard (GISS)
Japan Met Agency

Environment Canada

New Zealand Climate Change

Bureau of Meteorology-Australia
Climate Research
Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre, Melbourne
Canadian Centre for Climate Modeling and Analysis, Victoria
CSIRO Atmospheric Research, Melbourne
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Lab.
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology,
UCAR CLIVAR (Climate Var. and Predict.)

Climate Monitoring
U. of Illinois (Ice)
Climate Per the Consensus
(Human Impact is Most Important)

IPCC SPM 2007: Synthesis (Nov 07)

IPCC SPM1 2007: The Science

IPCC WG1 Full Science Report

IPCC SPM2 2007: Impacts

IPCC SPM3 2007: Mitigation

IPCC Emissions Scenarios

US National Center for Atmos Research
Real Climate (counters skeptics)

Nature. Com (Blog)

Union of Concerned Scientists

Al Gore Presentation

New Scientist Guide for Perplexed

Climate Per the Other Consensus
(The Climate Skeptics)
The Anti Global Warming Resource

The Great Global Warming Swindle

ICECAP (Climate News/Information)

Friends of Science

Climate Science

Independent SPM: Fraser Institute

Climate Audit
Science & Environ. Policy Project

Climate/Ocean Resources Center

Errors in IPCC Climate Science

World Climate Report

Fundación Argentina de Ecología Científica (Spanish/Español)

Briefings on Climate Change
US Geological Survey (Bio. Div)

Basics on Climate Prediction

Global & Australia/IPCC
Climate Drivers - Shorter Term
El Ninõ - Status & Info
The North Atlantic Oscillation-Info

The North Atlantic Oscillation-Status

The Pacific Decadal Oscillation

Historical (Instrumented) Charts
NOAA NCDC (with extrapolations)
Univ. of East Anglia

Japanese Met. Agency


Paleo (Ancient) Sites
NOAA Paleo Program
University of Michigan

Columbia University

Paleo (Ancient) Charts
Antarctic Ice Core (0-500K BP)
Jones and Mann (200-2000AD)
Petit et al. 0-150K BP

Glaciation (Ice Ages)
Climatic Controls of Glaciation
Astronomical Theory
of Climate Change

Policy Statements
American Association of
State Climatologists

American Meteorological Society

Weathervane Policy Site

ClimateChangeFacts on IPCC

Global Cooling Scare (1970s)
Science Mag Article
Newsweek: about the scare

Boston Globe: about the scare

Newsweek, April 28, 1975

Global Cooling (Now)
Read the sunspots

Global Cooling Sites
Ice Age Now

Energy Conservation Sites
(Tips to reduce emissions and energy use)


Yale U. Climate to Action

OnLine Reviews of Skeptics
National Post (Canada)

Disagreements from Within
IPCC Deputy Yury Izrael

NASA Administrator Michael Griffin
Mitigation Measures
Planting Trees

I repeat, I would not expect unbiased evidence from these conservative organizations that satirize or otherwise try to discredit the evidence we have about global warming. Any that do deserve my attention, and I hope someone will point to them for me. I post these as a service to those who are trying to understand what we can do about global warming.

Bush Administration: Dire Predictions about Weather Extremes From Global Warming

Scientists: Weather extremes consistent with global warming USA Today, 19 June 2008

WASHINGTON — If you think the weather is getting more extreme, you're right — and global warming caused by human activity probably is the reason, according to a report released Thursday by a panel of government scientists.
The report comes as the Midwest copes with record rainfall and catastrophic flooding.
There is strong evidence the increasing frequency of extreme rain, heat, drought and tropical storms is caused by global climate change, according to the report from the U.S. Climate Change Science Program. Souce:


According to the U.S. Climate Change Science Program's most recent 3.3 report, people can expect these environmental changes in the future:

Hot temperatures and heat waves will be more likely, as the number of cold nights and "frost days" will decrease. Strong waves will erode Arctic coastlines in Alaska and Canada
The Atlantic and Pacific basins will be hit with harder cold-season storms, packed with stronger winds and taller waves. Source: Weather and Climate Extremes in a Changing Climate brochure by CCSP.

The Clintons All Over Again: Why the "Hatred" Toward Global Warming Experts?

I invite those who believe "global warming as a myth" to explain to my why this is a political issue, why impoverished professors like me are somehow becoming rich by pointing to the dead canary in the mine, how researchers on Global Warming are profiting or have profits as their main source of interest. Professors do not choose this career for the money, there's no question about that. And why is it that so many online discontents about global warming rely on childish cheap shots, bad grammar, and caricatures of Al Gore? There should be no need to "shoot the messenger" if your proof that global warming is a myth is held up to scientific scrutiny, not simply mocking those with whom you don't agree. Of course, there were a significant number of Americans who also thought we should have stayed out of WWII.

Bananas and Coffee: Why do record setting cold days not contradict Global Warming?

You may use this content (better still, argue with me!), but please cite my ideas as © 2007, Dr. Bruce Klopfenstein. Find any typos? Please let me know.

Cap Cod Today quotes Times of India in a story published December 26, 2005. It's the same argument that if it's really cold today, there must not be any Global Warming. For those who area trying to understand it, let me try it this way:

If you took the earth's temperature in any one region on the earth on any given day, you will find records and (nothing new here) anomalies from which you can not extrapolate (or extend) to the rest of the earth.

If your child's temperature is 102.3 and anyone told you it's a trend in body temperatures all over the globe, you might reach for your phone and call 911. At any point in time there will be temperature anomalies around the world. When examples like this one happen, it's called citing "anecdotal evidence." If you had cancer and found out that someone survived cancer on a diet of bananas and coffee, it has little relevance for you or anyone else, unless other cancer patients are put on the banana/coffee diet and it is proven effective.

If you were an astronomy buff and the Hubble Telescope found a supernova, that would not suggest that other stars are about to explode. There is no relationship between an exploding star and its neighbors.

Sadly, global warming research suggests extremes in all directions, drought versus flooding, record cold and record heat. So while is is interesting to note phenomena as they occur, you wouldn't spent the rest of your life walking down sidewalks because you happened on a one dollar bill on a sidewalk.

Please comment as to whether or not this makes sense, not as to whether or not it supports your "global warming myth" dogma (see Dissidents Against Dogma).