Sunday, June 22, 2008

Cold Weather Predicted by Global Warming Science

You may use this content (better still, argue with me!), but please cite my ideas as © 2007, Dr. Bruce Klopfenstein. Find any typos? Please let me know.

They call themselves global warming skeptics, which makes it sound as if they are in position to be persuaded or are not certain that global warming is a "myth." In fact, their blogs and web sites often have misleading titles that suggest the site is there to inform its readers about global warming when, in reality, the object is to raise doubts about global warming. An example that reoccurs is seen when there is a cold snap, even a record cold snap anywhere around the world. The "skeptics" jump all over this and try to grab headlines. Anyone persuaded by this "evidence" has not read about the science of global warming which predicts that the weather on a "daily" or annual basis is going to have extremes in both directions.

So, what we need to recognize is extremes in daily weather around the globe are predicted by global warming science. This same science tells us that regions of drought will be found near regions of flooding. This was very apparent in the summer of 2007 when northern Georgia was in an extreme drought while 250 miles to the northwest, Tennessee was being deluged by rain.

By the way, RealClimate "is a commentary site on climate science by working climate scientists for the interested public and journalists. We aim to provide a quick response to developing stories and provide the context sometimes missing in mainstream commentary. The discussion here is restricted to scientific topics and will not get involved in any political or economic implications of the science." This is the kind of honest disclaimer needed on all sites discussing global warming and/or climate change.

See and

More to come...


eredux said...

Check out this Interactive US Energy Footprint Chart, an interactive United States Energy Consumption Footprint chart, illustrating Greenest States and more. This site has all sorts of stats on individual State energy consumptions, demographics and State energy offices - drill down to your local city.

Dr. K said...

I am pleased to post any comment on this issue unless it represents emotion over reason, junk science over rigorous (remember the scientific method from 8th grade?),reseach, evidence on either "side" as long as it is cited by a refereed journal or a "mainstream" as opposed to a political hack newspaper or other publication. Many in the "Glabal Warming as a Myth" community do not come off as rational. Putting a swastika next to Al Gore is typical of the lack of reason I welcome input from all sides because it's the best way to learn and understand the problem. Thank you!