Saturday, July 19, 2008

News Reports: Global Warming Correlates With Kidney Stones

It seems that scientists who were at liberty to conduct their research without being beholden to a stakeholder in the chaos (I think the discussion about global warming should be called "chaos" almost as in the Get Smart TV series and recent film in which "KAOS," the bad guys [e.g., the USSR/KGB] existed to stir things up and "CONTROL" [U.S./CIA] existed to counter KAOS's nefarious activities) are far more likely to accept global warming as an existing condition and are moving on to how we can do something about it.

Nevertheless, what appears to be a very vocal minority has done an excellent job of grabbing the megaphone. Search for "global warming" skeptics and you will find video programs, very professionally produced, in which those skeptics (KAOS) are calling the science behind global warming community (CONTROL) as "lies." I'm a research professor and can tel you that if you can critique another's research (peer-reviewed research) and find fault, calling the other researcher a "liar" is pretty outrageous. This lowbrow reaction to global warming research appeals to people in the world who, for whatever reason including political ones, grab the "liars!" quotes and amplify them.

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