Saturday, June 14, 2008

Iowa Flooding Far Worse than 1993 Deluge

You may use this content (better still, argue with me!), but please cite my ideas as © 2007, Dr. Bruce Klopfenstein. Find any typos? Please let me know.

Science does not rely on anecdotal evidence, but without the first observations of the stars in the sky, where would astronomy be today? I expect stunning weather phenomena just as we have been seeing in recent years. Here's one of the many examples that I don't know if I can track. I believe simple examples of what's happening start the skeptic or the uninformed to wonder.

The rains that fell during the weekend of June 7-8 were fueled in part by moisture from Tropical Storm Alma/Arthur, which affected Central America May 29 - June 2. The Cedar River is expected to crest today at 31.8 feet, which is an amazing 19.8 feet above the flood stage of 12 feet. During the historic 1993 flood, the worst in recent history, the river hit only 19.27 feet, 7 feet above flood stage. Nine rivers in Iowa are at all-time record flood levels, and Iowa Governor Chet Culver has declared 83 of the state's 99 counties state disaster areas. Additional heavy rainfall is not expected over the Cedar River watershed over the next two days, so today should mark the peak of this year's historic flooding. SOURCE: JeffMasters, 1:07 PM EDT on June 13, 2008 at

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