Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Wrath of Global Warming Skeptics (or Who Cares if Kids Get Asthma?)

You may use this content (better still, argue with me!), but please cite my ideas as © 2007, Dr. Bruce Klopfenstein. Find any typos? Please let me know.
Source: accessed 8 June 2008.
Well, if you'd like to read a newspaper article (opinion?) that show some of the venom that is spewed by global warming skeptics (and I assume global warming alarmists (and I use "alarmist" in the sense that someone ought to be sounding the alarm bells)), see,23599,23819969-5007146,00.html. I'm not sure how much time I should take tracking down the 31,000 "scientists" who signed what must have been a mile-long petition saying "Na, na, na, na, na-a-a-a. The troposphere is cooling!" Hmmmm.... To the average citizen, what does cooling of the troposphere mean? Could it be that radiational cooling from the earth is actually redirecting heat back down upon us, and a cooling of the troposphere might actually mean the earth on which we live is warming? I have a Ph.D. and can be considered a scientist. Does it count if I sign a document saying "Yikes! Global warming is happening and faster than any models have predicted!"

This is where I need some punches from readers who think the 90s and 100s already occurring in the U.S. this spring are, once again, coincidences having nothing to do with 2007 being the hottest year on record and 2008 on track to beat it. How long can these coincidences be laughed off as phenomena like the reported cooling of the troposphere and what is has to do with global warming at the surface?

Tropospheric scientists with degrees from accredited universities unite! What is the answer? WAIT! A Google search on ' cooling troposphere ' (no apostrophes) brings this first result: A cooling troposphere and global warming can co-exist
Contact: James E. Rickman,, (505) 665-9203

Son of a gun! And I was just jabbing at the mean-spirited newspaper article cited above. And what do you know! My simplistic counter-attack may have merit! This continues to be the problem: more smoke from the "What, me worry?" call it climate change crowd. I have a new campaign I want to start hitting hard. If global warming skeptics are right, and I'd like the truth either way, why in the world would they not want to attack air pollution regardless? Don't believe in global warming, why not focus on the rapidly growing problem childhood asthma? Forget global warming, focus on pollution and explain why it's some kind of blessing in disquise that our children are breathing dirty air and are paying the price in lung disease. What am I missing?
Source: United States Centers for Disease Control from accessed 8 June 2008.

Skeptics, do you really want to be on the side of those who don't give a damn about asthma? Skeptics with asthma, would you wish your asthma on anyone else?


hahajohnnyb said...

I have heard that Global Warming has been really hard on sea pirates too.

Hoax is up media professor! Might want to change over to our side. I do not know if there is any money in it, but at least you would have the satisfaction of being right for a change.

Dr. K said...

Thanks for the comic comment. I am receiving no compensation for this work. And as is so often the the case, the detractors react as if they are on an elementary school playground hurdling insults rather than apparently having the capacity to make an informed observation. This comment may well
be from the Bush administration. This is a wonderful example of a literally "ignorant" skeptic, totally void of any insight. Put away your slingshot and show me your counter-argument. "Na na na na naaaaaaah!" may serve your purposes, as well as tipping off your hand, void of any knowledge base on this comment. At least your userid shows you to be anything but serious.